As DCA NETWORK DIGITAL REKLAMCILIK İNŞAAT GIDA VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ (VN: 2720954834); In accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey and international agreements on human rights to which our country is a party, the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”) and the relevant legislation, of the personal data of persons related to our company, including our customers, consumers, suppliers and employees; We have adopted the principle of being attentive to the securing and processing of personal data. In this context, we would like to enlighten you as a Data Controller in accordance with the aforementioned legislation.

As DCA NETWORK DIGITAL REKLAMCILIK İNŞAAT GIDA VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ; In the capacity of data controller, your personal data we obtain in the following ways, depending on the situation, within the scope of our commercial relations or within our business relationship with you; that personal data will be recorded, stored, preserved, rearranged, and shared with institutions that are legally authorized to request such personal data, within the framework of the purpose requiring their processing and in connection with this purpose, in a limited and measured manner, by preserving the accuracy and the most up-to-date version of the personal data you have notified or notified to us. and under the conditions stipulated by the KVKK, it will be transferred to domestic or foreign third parties, transferred, classified and processed in other ways listed in KVKK.


Personal data provided to us by us regarding the employees can be processed. As an example, your personal data that may be subject to processing are as follows;

  • Name, surname, date of birth, country of birth, city of birth, gender, marital status, nationality, TR identity card information (TCKN, serial number, wallet number, father’s name, mother’s name, place of birth, province, district, neighborhood , volume number, family number, line number, household number, page number, registration number, place of issue, reason for issue, date of issue, previous surname), copy of identity card,
  • Telephone number, full address information, e-mail address, Internal contact information (external phone number, corporate e-mail address)
  • Financial and salary details, payrolls, premium progress payments, premium amounts, file and debt information regarding execution proceedings, bank passbook, minimum living allowance information, private health insurance amount,
  • Union, ex-convict status/criminal record, disability status/definition/percentage, religion, health data, blood type, private health insurance policy, medical reports, on-the-job health report, chest X-ray, hearing test, eye test, workplace Employment and periodic examination forms, pregnancy status, pregnancy report, health and maternity leave information, associations/foundations,
  • Educational status, certificate and diploma information, foreign language information, education and skills, CV, courses taken,
  • Photographs, audio recordings, camera recordings of real people,
  • Training and skills, information on which training she received on which date, e-mail, signed participation form, customer interview quality evaluation form, monthly performance evaluation and goal realization status, activity information,
  • Marriage certificate, spouse and children’s name, surname, T.C. Identification Number gender, date of birth, height, weight, job, phone number; name, surname and phone number of relatives,
  • Register no, position name, department and unit, title, last date of employment, entry and exit dates, insurance entry/retirement, allocation no, social security no, TTF no, tax office no, flexible hours working status, holding registration number, travel status, pension fund, pension fund entry date, pension fund registration number, bond establishment entry date, bond set registration number, accounting code, number of working days, projects worked, monthly total overtime information, severance pay base date, seniority additional days of compensation, days on strike,
  • Leadership base date, leave seniority additional days, leave group, departure/return date, day, reason for leave, address/phone to be taken on leave,
  • Military service suspension, license plate, copy of vehicle license, vehicle km information, vehicle location, copy of driver’s license, traffic ticket inquiry result, special ballot box name, special ballot entry date, special ballot box registration number, shoe number, clothing size, height, weight, relatives of martyrs, intern status, boarding service, boarding stop data, employee internet access logs, entrance and exit logs, factory entry-exit turnstile records, employee daily activity data.


Fulfilling our legal obligations as an employer, the performance of the employment contract between us, the reasons stipulated in the relevant legislation, the legitimate interests of the Company, which we request from you in person, during your job application through our website or other employment platform, or during your job application. your personal data in your resume you choose to share with us or in other texts you share regarding your application;

  • We collect information by sending it to us physically or electronically and by recording information on Company computer programs, applications and servers that are available to more than one person, or on the internet, which are accessible to third parties.
  • Due to the Company’s legitimate interest in following up the business, through systems that control entry and exit times; In order to ensure workplace safety and fulfill our legal obligations, we collect the data regarding the tracking of your vehicle and gasoline usage supplied to you through the tracking devices we place on the vehicles of the Company.
  • Due to the Company’s legal obligation and legitimate interest in providing workplace safety, we collect it through the cameras we place in the workplace building.
  • Due to the Company’s legitimate interest in training employees to provide effective customer support services, we collect your audio recordings through the audio recording program we use.
  • In order to fulfill our legal obligations and as stipulated in the laws, we collect your health data physically through our workplace doctor and your personal data from the building management physically or electronically in order to ensure workplace safety.
  • We collect through legal documents and notifications sent to us in order to fulfill our legal obligations.
  • We collect your personal data through the cookies used on our website, as detailed in our Cookie Policy, in line with the Company’s legitimate interest in improving its platform and making it more effective.


Your personal data may be processed by the Company for similar purposes and reasons such as but not limited to the purposes and legal reasons stated below.

a. Fulfilling the purpose necessary for the performance of the employment contract, in particular;

  • Approval of employees’ leave, viewing balance leaves, making leave arrangements,
  • Making the exit procedures of the employees,
  • Making salary payments to employees,
  • We can process it in the Logo accounting program for the purpose of executing the payroll transactions and updating the relevant data. These data are stored in the application’s own data recording medium.

b. In particular, in order to fulfill the requirements within the scope of the Labor Law, the Occupational Health and Safety Law, the Social Security Law and related legislation, other laws and regulations;

  • Creation of personnel file
  • SGK notifications, İŞKUR notifications, police station notification and incentive and legal liability notification
  • Ensuring the opening of a compulsory private pension insurance account
  • Checking the entrance and exit records of the employees and determining the match of the camera records with the door entry and exit records for R&D
  • Calculating incentives for R&D
  • Payment of employees’ salary lien deductions to executive files
  • Making legal notifications of occupational accident
  • Performing occupational health and safety procedures
  • Failure to comply with other information retention, reporting and disclosure obligations stipulated by the legislation, relevant regulatory authorities and other authorities
  • Fulfillment of court orders

c. In order to ensure security within the company, especially;

  • For the purpose of workplace safety, we can transfer the workplace to the building management to control the entrances and exits.

d. In particular, due to the necessity arising from the performance of customer contracts;

  • Making the right/unjust distinction of the customer in customer complaints, increasing customer satisfaction, understanding customer needs and improving customer-related processes
  • Assessment of customer service quality and training employees

e. In particular, for the purpose of administering the company, conducting the business, implementing company policies;

  • Monitoring and reporting the sales performance of company employees
  • Making expense payments to employees
  • Creating the employee page by entering the employee data of the Human Resources Data Program, updating the existing data
  • Providing communication with employees
  • Confirmation that the employee to whom a vehicle has been allocated or used is competent to drive and has not lost his license for any reason.
  • Providing vehicles to the employee
  • Providing business card printing
  • Ensuring that the packages received via cargo and courier are forwarded to the relevant employee
  • Monitoring Company vehicle usage for employee safety and business conduct
  • Providing service and travel organization
  • Creation of employee’s work email by entering employee data into Outlook
  • Executing research projects related to employees
  • Ensuring the control of employees’ entry and exit from work
  • Providing mass e-mail management to make business announcements
  • Recording the documents collected during the job application and interview of the employees
  • Providing celebratory communication
  • Training planning, reporting of the trainings, preparation of training certificates, tracking of the employees participating in the trainings, tracking the development processes of the employees as a result of the trainings they receive
  • Ensuring quality control
  • Providing communication with relevant persons in emergencies
  • Supporting company employees
  • Analysis of the satisfaction survey

Your personal data will be kept for the maximum period specified in the relevant legislation or required for the purpose for which they are processed, and possibly for the statutory statute of limitations.


Your personal data for your safety and for our Company to fulfill its obligations before the law, Labor Law, Occupational Health and Safety Law, Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law, Regulation of Publications on the Internet and Fighting Against Crimes Committed Through These Publications, Turkish Relevant institutions or organizations to the extent permitted and required by the Commercial Code, the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, the Law on Identification, but not limited to, other legislation; It can be shared with public legal entities such as Personal Data Protection Authority, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Customs and Trade, Ministry of Labor and Social Security, Turkish Employment Agency (İş-Kur), Information Technologies and Communications Authority. For example; The personal data of the employees are shared with the Social Security Institution for the purpose of paying employee and employer premiums. We can also share your personal data in the following situations;

a. In particular, in order to fulfill the requirements within the scope of the Labor Law, the Occupational Health and Safety Law, the Social Security Law and related legislation, other laws and regulations;

  • We can share your health data with our workplace doctor and the Workplace Health and Safety Joint Unit, from which we outsource, so that they can perform treatment and health checks.
  • We can transfer payroll information to company auditors so that they can perform audit activities.

b. In particular, due to fulfilling our legal obligations;

  • In order for us to exercise our right of defense, we can share it with our lawyers and relevant institutions within the framework of our obligation to fulfill legal requests such as court orders or evidence requests, provided that it is in accordance with the law and procedure.

c. In particular, for the purpose of administering the company, conducting the business, implementing company policies;

  • We can transfer your personal data to the companies we are affiliated with or work in partnership with, in order to ensure our internal functioning.
  • In order to preserve the company’s data storage capacity, we can transfer archive companies so that they can be stored during their retention period.
  • Your personal data is known to be transferred to the company we work with for reasons such as transportation, vehicle supply, business card printing, parking lot registration.
  • If you become a member of Kariyer Akademi and Tümişlerburada platforms from your account, the name-surname information required for your membership is transferred to these sites.


If you give your consent, your personal data may be shared with third parties abroad to provide communication during travels and trainings abroad, to organize travel and to send mass e-mails.


In accordance with Article 11 of the KVKK, regarding your personal data, provided that you prove your identity;

  • Learning whether the Company processes personal data about you, and if so, requesting information about it,
  • Learning the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,
  • You have the right to learn whether personal data is transferred domestically or abroad and to whom.
  • In addition, you have the right to request the Company to correct your inaccurate and incomplete personal data and to inform the recipients whose data has been or may have been transferred.
  • You may request the Company to have your personal data destroyed (deletion, destruction or anonymization) within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the KVKK. At the same time, you can request that the third parties to whom the data has been or may be transferred be informed about your destruction request. However, by evaluating your destruction request, we will evaluate which method is appropriate according to the conditions of the concrete case. In this context, you can always request information from us about why we have chosen the destruction method we have chosen.
  • You can object to the results of your personal data analysis, created exclusively using an automated system, if these results are contrary to your interests.
  • In case you suffer damage due to illegal processing of your personal data, you can request the compensation of the damage.
  • Your requests in your application will be concluded free of charge within thirty days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. However, if the transaction requires a separate cost for the Company, the fee in the tariff determined in the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller may be charged by the Personal Data Protection Board.
  • You can submit your application regarding the processing of your personal data by filling out the application form on the Company’s website, in writing or by using the registered electronic mail (KEP) address, secure electronic signature, mobile signature or your electronic mail address that you have previously informed us and included in our records. You must deliver it to our company. Depending on the nature of your request and your application method, the Company may request additional verifications (such as sending a message to your registered phone, calling) in order to determine whether the application belongs to you and thus protect your rights. For example, if you apply through your e-mail address registered with the Company, we may contact you using another communication method registered with the Company and request confirmation of whether the application belongs to you.

I have read this Information Letter and within the scope of Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, DCA NETWORK DIGITAL REKLAMCILIK İNŞAAT GIDA VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ has given permission in advance to collect, record, process, store and share with third parties in the ways specified in the text and within the framework of the law. I accept, declare and undertake that I have given (by ticking the checkbox, you will consent to the collection, recording, processing, storage and sharing of your personal data with third parties for the purposes and reasons specified above).